Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Want to help "STOP" Global Warming?

Ten Things To Do

Change a Light
Replace your regular light bulb to a compact flourescent light bulb.
Drive Less
Walk, bike, carpool or use the public transport more often
Check your tires
Improve your gas mileage by 3% plus saving fuel and clean air
Recycle more
Set an example by recycling your household waste
Use less hot water
Install a low flow showerhead and save valuable energy and water
Avoid Products with lots of packaging
Cut down your garbage by 10% plus
Adjust your thermostat
Save valuable energy by increasing 2°C in Summer and decreasing 2°C in Winter
Plant one tree (or more!!!)
Give life and fresh air to all
Turn OFF electronic devices
Not using it? Save valuable energy, turn them OFF and unplug
Spread the Word!
Encourage your friends to do the same and be more aware

Global Warming Talk

Greenpeace Speakers with Global Village Organizers
A small token of appreciation for Greenpeace Campaigner
Global Warming Talk Participants